Legal information
Helvecy Switzerland :
Helvecy Sàrl
Route Suisse 8A, 1163 Etoy, Switzerland
Helvecy France :
Helvecy Sàrl
6 rue d'Armaillé - 75017 Paris, France
The HELVECY online store is owned by SARL HELVECY, with capital of CHF 20,000, registered in the Swiss Trade and Companies Register, Canton de Vaud, under number n°CHE-152.495.069 with registered office at 8A Route de Suisse, 1163 Etoy, Switzerland. and registered in the PARIS Trade and Companies Register, under number SIRET 91952947900017 with registered office at 6 rue d'Armaillé - 75017 Paris, France.
The site is hosted by OVH. SARL OVH 140, quai du Sartel - 59100 ROUBAIX| FRANCE
Telephone: 0 899 701 761
Production & Design
The site was created byPrestaShop web agency Soledis, all rights reserved:
Soledis - SASU au capital de 312 000 € - RCS VANNES 498 898 014
9 Avenue Pompidou Porte 6 - 1er étage CP3453 56034 VANNES Cedex | FRANCE
Tel : 02 97 46 30 40
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The website contains hypertext links directing users to websites managed by third parties. As these sites are not managed by Helvecy, the latter cannot be held responsible for their content (quality, accuracy, relevance) or for any difficulties the user may encounter in accessing them.
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